News:(UPDATE) Two new milestones on Neobux!

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Last celebration bonuses

Quoting the Neobux Admin:

In the past weeks we've reached two important milestones which need to be celebrated due to their importance:

Over 20,000,000,000 advertisement visualizations
This has been a result of our great advertisement system that not only provides users more than what an actual advertisement is worth but also provides advertisers the best price and the best exposure.
Lately AdPrize was the feature that turned the old advertising exposure concept around not only for being a great profit for the users but also because it provided advertisers with free visits in a way that changed their perception about the importance of recurrent exposures and making them never look back.
I would like to thank you all for letting us reach this outstanding milestone.

Over $80,000,000 paid to our members
With so many ways to earn it's not a surprising milestone but still a very important one.
This is the goal of what started NeoBux: To create something that would benefit only the users. We've done that in such a way that every thing we do it always pays higher than anyone else. Not only that is part of what makes NeoBux an honest business but also makes us true to ourselves and to our users. This milestone represents the result of a goal set over 4 years ago and that is today the benchmark of this industry.

Sometimes a simple and sincere "Thank you" is the best thing one can receive but you deserve more and as always we thought about sharing and that's what this is all about.

Starting today and ending next Tuesday, August 7 at 07:00 (server's time):

Renewal discount on referrals for all memberships:
30 days: 8%
60 days: 13%
90 days: 20%
150 days: 27%
240 days: 32%
This promotion has ended

Discount on Golden Membership purchases and / or extensions:
One year Golden.PNG = $80 (includes $10 discount)
This promotion has ended

Discount on new Golden Pack purchases and / or renewals:
Emerald: $5 discount
Sapphire: $5 discount
Platinum: $10 discount
Diamond: $10 discount
Ultimate: $30 discount
This promotion has ended

Update: AdPrize chances
An extra AdPrize chance per advertisement
(The extra AdPrize chance promotion may end at any time)

Once again, thank you for being who you are and for being part of something wonderful.
Enjoy and have an excellent weekend.


News about Neobux : Two important milestones
