News:Bux-matrix Team is fixing bugs and improves the security system

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The following message appeared after login to today.

Bux-matrix news.png

"This to advise you that we are working on the script, since the past week, to fix a bug and to improve the security systems.

The works are going well and we are approaching the final part; in order to complete it we have to:

  • Return all the cashout pending
  • Disable the cashout button for a couple of days

Starting for tomorrow and until 2010-11-04 you will be not able to cashout.

After the full re-start of the system, we should be back on track within few days.


Mark and James and the Bux-Matrix Team"

The security improvement might be connected with the fact that members used the bug of the script and were able to read Bux-matrix Solo e-mails for several time, one and the same e-mail. Thus, a lot of standard members earned 10 times more than they should per day and it could influence the stability of Bux-matrix. So that is great that they have noticed it and started fixing their script.
