News:Palmbux - cashouts will back to normal next week, new memership options

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Jump to: navigation, search has resolved their issue with Paypal and their Main-Paypal-Account will be reopened on Monday, 15th February. Next week cashout should be back to normal again.

Palmbux team has decided to give back more Membership-Options now:

Premium 1, 6, 12 months

Deluxe 3, 6, 12 months

Business 3, 6, 12 months

Luxury 3, 6, 12 months

Royal 3, 6, 12 months

PalmElite 3, 6, 12 months

They have also made some changes to some memberships. Some have more Vacation-Days now. Standard now have changed the limit of max. direct referrals allowed - for now it is 20 but it will not affect at the direct refs you have right now.

New verification system For you, the Process will be the same as before, but for those who are at the Support, all will be done faster, and also it will be easier to "catch" the real cheaters. With the start of this new Verification system - all Accounts will be set to "unverified" first. They will verify the account of trusted members they know quickly. All other Accounts will go to the verifications-list by clicking on "Request Payment" - just same way as it was before. For those who, after clicking on "Request Payment" don´t see "verified: in Process" on their Accountpage, they will will open the one Verification-Topic in the "problems&doubts" - section.

Paypal and Indian members

Palmbux knows that Indian members can't work anymore with PayPal. Because of this they are already searching for an alternative and they are still in contact with LibertyReserve and Neteller.


New memberships, Verifications, Paypal-India

Update 11th Feb. - PayPal & PalmBux